By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Library Media Network is an electronic discussion group for school media specialists in the USA (read Teacher-Librarians in Australia). It now has members in many countries including Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

On LM-NET members share information and experience. There are discussions about issues such as censorship in school libraries (in which Australia's Ken Dillon has participated), how to set up CD-ROM networks, policies about charging for computer print-outs and cries for help. One TL who posted a request for information on library automation received 20 replies within a week. Others have posted requests for "novels suitable for unmotivated year 9 students" or information about the source of part one of Fahrenheit 451, The hearth and the salamander. Of course the replies are public and available for all to share.

There are often long discussions about issues of library policy and sharing of policy statements such as collection development policies, or discussions about comparative staffing levels. On LM-NET, it is possible to converse with personalities such as Ken Haycock. Often pre-publication information appears for new journals. Even job advertisements appear.

LM-NET, although part of the Internet, is readily available to schools in Australia. It can be access via NEXUS or for Melbourne schools, via SCHOOLS CONNECTION (formerly SECAP) Phone (03) 244 6436. I urge you to try it and experience the excitement of electronic communication.

Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)