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Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results for Genrefy
Finding the right genrefication balance in your library
By Jessica Finden
Issue 130, Term 3, 2024
tion collections easier to navigate for students and staff members within the school community. But what happens when you are not sure if you want to genrefy? Plenty of libraries are doing it, you hear! Here is a basic breakdown of the positives and negatives of genrefication: Positives Stud
Genrefication 3.5 years later: Reflections
By Susan Davenport
Issue 117, Term 2 2021
Radford College Secondary Library (SL) for years 5–12 students began our genrefication journey in 2017. This article reflects upon those first steps and what changes have been implemented since. What have we learnt? Genrefication works! Yes, it really does. Our years 5–12 students find the