Showing 361 - 380 of 393 results for Libraries

Ebooks: to subscribe, or not to subscribe?

By Martin Gray

Issue 101, Term 2 2017

Whenever I have visiting performers or lecturers come into our book-filled school library, they tell me how relieved they are to see a real library. Libraries have an effect on people. This in itself does not rule out digital books, though it is still a reason to keep paper books. But . . . Des

What’s New

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 8, Term 4 1993

ture mentions other computer networks within the school, it makes no attempt to provide standards or to address the issue of the converging roles of libraries and computer centres as providers of information within schools. It is likely that this convergence of roles and the development of the conc

Promoting literature to students

By Bob Docherty

Issue 94, Term 3 2015

built my knowledge of literature, and I grew to realise that children and young adults needed to be told about all those wonderful stories. School libraries do a brilliant job but they are under increasing pressure to reduce staff and costs as electronic sources take precedence. Librarians and te

How are you using SCIS?

By Ben Chadwick

Issue 102, Term 3 2017

posters and charts, music CDs, maps, and toys. These figures justify our policy on the cataloguing of good quality electronic resources to supplement libraries’ physical collections. In terms of resource content, based on Dewey classifications, the majority of downloads were for fictional works. W

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 34, Term 3 2000

for library staff. Contributions are encouraged as we would like to provide comprehensive information on our website that is beneficial to all school libraries. 5. Subscriptions 2001 Due to requests from library staff we are making arrangements for SCIS subscriptions for the year 2001 to become

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

been produced locally for specific needs will not be on the SCIS database and will need to be catalogued by the Teacher Librarian. In some instances libraries may wish to edit the record to i nclude specific local details such as acquisition details, reviews, further subject headings and notes.

Venturing Out on the NSW Board of Studies Website

By Louise Bidenko

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

iews of their latest and most pertinent material. Another source, which seemed important to include, was the existing resources available in school libraries and storerooms around the state. With the absence of a syllabus for many years decisions concerned with resourcing HSIE K-6 have been somewh

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 28, Term 1 1999

SCIS products available Curriculum Corporation has the following products available for use in libraries. To order please send a cheque with an official school purchase order form. Banksia Wave Modem Curriculum Corporation, in cooperation with All Barcodes Australia, is able to offer custom

Facing the 21st Century: The First International Conference of Jewish Pedagogic Centers

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 9, Term 2 1994

s obviously a popular place for students throughout the school day. Despite its limited resources, this library was philosophically similar to school libraries in Australia, UK and North America. The Pelech school, regarded as having an innovative religious curriculum for girls, was housed in an o

Content is King, but Content Management Rules

By Colin Bell

Issue 35, Term 4 2000

ices, Margaret Paten said the system allows for the management of a 'hybrid library' (see 'The Great Divide? Physical and Digital Resources in School Libraries', Connections Issue 34, p 1 ), in which resources are varied and increasingly online. She said it operates on several different levels to me

Building a buzz with book snaps

By Susan Stephenson

Issue 104, Term 1 2018

to copyright principles. You can find more information at the Australian Copyright Council . You can also read about the special agreement covering libraries and book covers . So, how can you make a book snap? You start with a tablet or computer. You also need something that can take a photo o

Daring to be different: celebrating diversity in literature

By Ruth Devine

Issue 105, Term 2 2018

re physical and developmental diversity in such a way? Simple. We need writers to write them, publishers to produce them and booksellers, schools and libraries to stock them. As a mum of three boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), it hurt when the eldest told me he felt defec

Dyslexia: can we read with our ears?

By Sarah Asome

Issue 106, Term 3 2018

o the International Dyslexia Association . It is estimated that one in five children in Australia have dyslexia. We often take it for granted that libraries are inclusive for all our citizens, but they can be places that students with dyslexia will avoid. Often, dyslexic students get lost in the

The appropriateness of age-appropriate reading levels

By Eric Neuman

Issue 108, Term 1 2019

by level does not help students engage with books and pursue their own interests’ (Parrott 2017). As with most things in the worlds of teaching and libraries, it comes down to what’s mandated by your school, and what your personal preference and teaching style are. So long as I’m not mandated to l

How to support early literacy with phonemic awareness

By Judith Barker

Issue 119, Term 4 2021

reaking the code’ of the written language.  Terms used here often overlap in the classroom. For more detailed phonics information and resources for libraries and schools see Resources below. Encouraging students' confidence and success in reading Both phonemic awareness and phonics are taugh

Playful learning in the library

By Sarah Pavey MSc FCLIP FRSA

Issue 120, Term 1 2022

y reducing engagement. This is why Josie, for example, might struggle with a points-based reading scheme. Games for learning and for promoting our libraries to our communities With our wonderful librarian creativity, the door is wide open for designing learning tools for students, working with

Two sides of children’s literature: gatekeeper and creator

By Karys McEwen

Issue 121, Term 2 2022

ed the idea for All the little tricky things, and that my book will be ‘just right’ for at least some of the kids who discover it in their own school libraries, or have it handed to them by their passionate, intuitive school librarians.

Graphic novels and manga selection: 101

By Michael Earp

Issue 121, Term 2 2022

ur library. Keep going. There is so much delight and depth to be discovered. I wrote about the way we categorise our graphic novels in my Schools and libraries newsletter late last year. I got a lot of feedback that it was extremely helpful. It showed teachers, parents and even publishers how to app

Imagining the future

By Lili Wilkinson

Issue 122, Term 3 2022

e, everywhere to be able to think STEM could be for them, and this project is  a great way to introduce that idea to young people. How can schools, libraries and individuals get involved? Imagining the Future will be providing a suite of resources that are great for use in schools and in the lib

Supporting learning: a digital collection tale

By Kathy Talbot

Issue 124, Term 1 2023

their classes upon their return from remote learning. This was an excellent example of the ‘proof was in the pudding’ – our subject-specific digital libraries were selling themselves.  It wasn’t until this year that I realised the need to track the requests. This has been an important step to qua