The Listserv for Australian Teacher Librarians

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

OZTL_NET stands for OZ(Aus)tralian Teacher Librarians' NET-work. This electronic forum is designed to meet the professional information needs of Australian TLs. The conversation on OZTL_NET deals with topics of interest to the Australian TL community, including the latest issues and developments that relate to an impact on school library services, operations and activities including library, school and departmental policies, practices and procedures; location and use of Internet resources; information literacy issues, programs and strategies; reference questions for teachers and students; products and services for school libraries; general discussion of Teacher Librarianship issues; training tips and use of information technologies; and workshop and conference announcements.

Discussion is open to all members of the Australian TL community and any person with a genuine interest in Teacher Librarianship and/or school libraries. While it is important for Australian TLs to broaden their horizons v~be Internet and 'go global', local action is essential in developing a strong professional TL movement in Australia. OZTL_NET strives to unite all parties who share a considerable interest in the latest developments, issues and initiatives in Teacher Librarianship and school libraries in Australia.

The most common questions asked about OZTL_NET

Q: What equipment do I need to access OZTL_NET?
A: A computer, a modem, and an email address with an Internet Service Provider.

Q: How much will it cost me to subscribe?
A: Nothing! Subscription is free.

Q: How do I subscribe?
A: To subscribe to OZTL_NET:

  1. 1. Post a message to the following listserv address: <[email protected]>.
  2. In the subject line, type the command subscribe.
  3. Do not include any information in the message field (i.e. LEAVE IT BLANK! and turn off your Internet signature).

Your subscription is automatically processed by the listserv computer and you will receive an OZTL_NET Welcome message. Please read and save the OZTL_NET Welcome Message. It contains the procedures for using this listserv as well as some Netiquette Guidelines. New subscribers are encouraged to introduce themselves to OZTL_NET in their first message to the listserv.

Enquiries? Please contact Lyn Hay, Tel: (02) 69332808, Email: [email protected], or Ken Dillon, Tel: (02) 69332545, Email: [email protected].

TLs are major stakeholders in the 'Information Age', and as key players must lead Australian schools -teachers, students and their parents -into the 21st Century. OZTL_NET is an electronic initiative that can assist TLs in achieving this vision.

Schools Catalogue Information Service