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Issue 50 Summary

By Editor

A summary of all the articles featured in Issue 50 of Connections.

Please note this issue of Connections is only available in PDF format.

Articles in this issue include:

Roadmap to Blithwap: Doing More with Less
Andrew Wright, NILS (National Information and Library Service)

Magazines in a Muddle?
Catherine Leonard, Softlink Pacific

E-journals for School Libraries
Nigel Paull and Tracy Tees

Beam Me a Book Please
Pam Saunders, Yarra Plenty Regional Library, VIC

Educational Lending Right 2003–04 School Library Survey

Internetting corner
Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW

SCISWeb handy hints

SCIS news

New and revised subject headings

Museum in a Box®: An Outreach Program of the Australian Museum
Glenn Ferguson and Helen Beare, Australian Museum

Public Libraries and Schools
Sian Smith, Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service

ALIA Schools Victoria: A Voice for School Libraries
Sandra Ryan and Barbara Bugg, ALIA Schools Victoria

NetAlert – The Australian Internet Safety Advisory Body
Martin Chambers, NetAlert

Digital Content for an Online World
Olivia Clarke, The Le@rning Federation

