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Issue 63 Summary

By Editor

A summary of all the articles featured in Issue 63 of Connections.

Please note this issue of Connections is only available in PDF format.

Articles in this issue include:

Need support and advice? Network!
Pamela Rushby, Author

Teacher librarian exchange to Canada 2006
Christa Mood, Narooma High School

ABS brings data to life in the classroom

Internetting corner
Nigel Paull, South Grafton Public School, NSW

SCISWeb handy hints

SCIS news

New and revised subject headings

Secret library business – part 2
Renate Beilharz

Copying podcasts in educational libraries

Educational Lending Right
Renate Beilharz, Education Services Australia

The Le@rning Federation
Rohini Mehta, The Le@rning Federation

