Brisbane Cath. Ed. Skills teachers with ‘C.L.I.C.ed’

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Recognising the benefits of skilling teachers in computer literacy, Brisbane Cath. Ed. have designed five modules aimed to meet the computer needs of primary teachers. Successfully implemented into over 100 schools, Maira Becquigny provides the background ....

Since the beginning of 1994 Brisbane Catholic Education have conducted Computer Key Teacher training courses to enable the presentation of a Computer Literacy Inservice Course to school personnel. On present numbers, by the end of 1995 this course will have trained more than 200 Key Teachers from 100 schools across the Brisbane Archdiocese. The training course was developed in response to a 1991 survey of Brisbane Cath Ed. schools assessing the professional needs of teachers. Technology was pinpointed as a high priority area.

The aim of the course is to give classroom teachers basic computer literacy skills, knowledge of software to enhance the curriculum and confidence to operate computers successfully. The projected outcome of the course is that participants will have the skills, knowledge and confidence to explore classroom applications and use computers creatively with and for their students.

C.L.1.C.-ed consists of 5 x 2 hour modules offered at staff level.

  1. The Operating Environment - offered on three platforms: Macintosh, IBM compatible and Apple II.
  2. Word Processing - programs used are: Claris Works, Microsoft Works and the Children's Writing and Publishing Centre (Apple lie and IIGS).
  3. Software for the Curriculum - Using software already available in the school.
  4. On-line Telecommunications and CD ROM.
  5. Classroom Management and School Policy.

Each module contains readings and follow-up activities and the two hour timing of the sessions enables delivery after school. The modules are delivered over a period of some weeks to allow teachers time to practise skills learned before proceeding on to other modules, as well as time to complete the follow-up activities. The Australian Catholic University (and others!) offer academic creditation on completion of the C.L.I.C. course.

As the initial training requires small groups of teachers participating, the recommended ratio is one Key Teacher for every ten teachers at the school. The Key Teachers were nominated by their school and attended five/six days of intensive training (depending on how many platforms existed at their school) at the Fr. Bernard O'Shea Inservice Centre, Wilston. The presenters are practising teachers released from schools throughout the Diocese. Funding for the inservice for systemic schools was provided by Brisbane Catholic Education, while other participating schools outside this system paid a fee for training and the materials involved.

Feedback from the training sessions has been most positive, with most teachers finding the course well structured, practical and beneficial in the workplace. Although the final course will be offered in November 1995 to incorporate those Catholic primary schools which have not yet participated, Brisbane Catholic Education are now marketing the course modules. A subsequent course: C.L.I.C.II, is currently being drafted and will include the following modules:

  • Recording and Reporting Information -Databases
  • Recording and Reporting Information -Spreadsheets
  • Publishing an Integrated Document
  • Information Technology: Online Databases
  • Merging the Technologies

Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)