News from Curriculum Corporation

By Lance Deveson

New Phone and Fax Numbers

A final reminder that Telstra has changed the telephone numbers for Curriculum Corporation. The old number will operate until October 30 1995.

The new numbers to contact Curriculum Corporation are as follows:

PHONE: 03 96390699
FAX: 03 96391616
HELPLINE: 1800 337405

The change of phone numbers will also affect schools dialling into the existing Dobis system and the new Voyager system, however Online Users will be notified separately when they will be required to change the phone number in the SCISLINK software. Users should contact Information Program staff if they are experiencing difficulty in accessing the Online service. Victorian schools will be the first schools affected by this change.

Request to Return/Change SCIS Products and Services

The Information Program is still receiving regular requests from schools to return/ change SCIS products and services. Schools are encouraged to read carefully the product description attached to the subscription renewal forms each year. If schools are still not sure of a product, please contact the Information Program before ordering. Schools need to be aware that Curriculum Corporation has contracted and pre paid external suppliers to produce the products for each user for a 12 month period. Consequently, a refund of a product will not always be possible. Schools seeking advice on the return of products will need to contact the Information Program and request a Return Advice Number from the SCIS Administration Assistant.

Subscriptions for 1996

The 1996 SCIS Subscription forms will be forwarded to all schools in early November. All SCIS products and services will be held at 1995 prices. Please note, the subscription form will be addressed to the Principal with, "For the attention of the Teacher Librarian", on the mailing label.

Dates for 1996

The Summer edition of Connections (November) will include insert sheets of the following:

  • ASCISRECON and Rapid Retrospective processing dates for 1996
  • Microfiche delivery dates for 1996
  • SCIS on Disc dates for 1996.

Lance Deveson

Assistant Manager: Information Program