Internetting Corner

By Heather Kelsall

This has proved successful with 143 requests for more WWW sites! Apologies to those still waiting for a response ... in the meantime you might find these of interest.
Allows Australians to have their say on the French nuclear testing.
Euthanasia legislation recently passed in the Northern Territory.
Major collection of Australian Federal legislation in full text.
Lots of information on Rugby League around the world.
Programs, activities & publications from the Department of Human Services & Health.
Information on Australian social and policy research in telecommunications.
The American Library Association home page.
W.A. Maritime Museum web server
Atmospheric ozone
Space telescope electronic infomation service
NASA Ames Research Centre
Lists resources for teachers
The ABC goes Global with a sample of ideas, entertainment, news, views and music.
Subject index to educational projects and resources in Maths and Science.
Provides links to schools with home pages: click on School Junction link.

And for T/L's ....

Lecturers in teacher librarianship at Charles Sturt Uni have announced the introduction of a listserv for Australian T /L's. OZTL_NET will provide an effective management tool for practising T /L's, uniquely designed to meet the professional information needs of us all. Topics of interest will include the latest issues and developments relating to and impacting on school library services, operations and activities, with discussion open to all members of the Australian T /L community.

To subscribe to OZTL_NET

  1. post a message to the following listserv address: [email protected]
  2. in the subject line, type the command subscribe
  3. do not include any information in the message field -ie: leave it blank.

Your subscription is automatically processed by the listserv computer and you will receive the OZTL_NET Welcome Message.

Any problems, contact Ken Dillon on [email protected]

When students need to cite electronic information in a bibliography, the following came from [email protected]:

1. FTP or Telnet -
Kehoe, B.P. (1992). Zen and the art of the Internet (2nd. Ed.), [Online]. Available FTP (Telenet): quake.think.corn Directory: pub/etext/1992 File: ZenlO.text

2. Articles available via e-mail:
Root, C. (1994). ESL and learning disabilities: A guide for the ESL practitioner. _TESL-EJ 1_. Available e-mail: LISTSERV@CMSA. BERKELEY.EDU Message: Get TESLEJOl A-4 TESLEJ-L F=Mail

Heather Kelsall
