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By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

A group of teacher-librarians and teachers from Canada have published a great resource for schools world wide!

'Winners: a collection of cooperatively developed teaching units for resource-based learning' contains thirty-seven tried and tested resource-based units of study all intended to provide ideas for teachers and T /Ls to apply to their own situation. Each unit includes general and specific goals and objectives, the planning process, lists resources, has instructional strategies, provides evaluation procedures and some even suggest introductory lessons. There are several Units for each grade level year one through to year twelve, and while each unit may have been prepared for a specific level most can be adapted for younger or older students. The Units are also cross-curricular and secondary maths teachers who haven't visited the resource centre recently might well be encouraged through the Unit: 'Pythagorean partners: a mathematical reseach activity', a single lesson library assignment for Year 9.

KNIGHT Linda (ed). Winners: a collection of cooperatively developed teaching units for resource-based learning. North Vancouver: Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada, 1996.

Cost: $37.95 includes p&h
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Woodstock. ON. N4S 4RI.

Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)